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Revista Salud Uninorte

Print version ISSN 0120-5552On-line version ISSN 2011-7531


DURAN-BADILLO, TIRSO. Stereotypes and attitudes towards aging related to reasons for physical exercise in gym users. Salud, Barranquilla [online]. 2024, vol.40, n.2, pp.446-457.  Epub Nov 15, 2024. ISSN 0120-5552.


To determine the relationship between aging stereotypes and attitudes with the reasons for performing physical exercise in gym users in Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico).


Correlational study in a sample of 163 gym users. The negative stereotypes towards aging and the self-report of reasons for the practice of physical exercise were applied.


No relationship was found between negative stereotypes regarding aging (p=.119) and attitudes towards aging (p=.92) with the reasons for physical exercise. Attitudes towards aging showed a relationship whit fun and well-being (p=.014), prevention and positive health (p=.011), muscular strength and resistance (p=.014), social recognition (p=.032), stress control (p=.017) and health emergencies (p=.029).


No relationship was found between the global scales used to measure stereotypes and attitudes towards aging with the reasons for doing physical exercise; it was found the attitudes towards aging are related to fun and well-being, prevention and positive health, muscular strength and resistance, social recognition, stress control and health emergencies.

Keywords : steorotyping; attitude; exercise.

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