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Revista EAN

On-line version ISSN 0120-8160


DIAZ-LOPEZ, Luz Marelby; RUIZ-CLAROS, Clarivel  and  CUELLAR-CUELLAR, Kerly Yurany. Design of strategies to encourage the participation of business administration students in research projects in Universidad de Amazonia. Rev. esc.adm.neg [online]. 2019, n.86, pp.227-244. ISSN 0120-8160.

Research project groups become scenarios in which tutors and students share learning processes from a formative, dynamic, and participatory perspective. In fact, those scenarios that involve creativity, collaborative work, and critical thinking skills are the axis of formative research as these spaces guarantee the integral formation of higher education students in accordance with the existing labor market. The aim of this paper is to identify those factors that influence the participation of Business Administration students in research project groups in Universidad de la Amazonia. To achieve this, a descriptive and expository methodology was used to collect primary information based on a questionnaire applied to these students, which was later supported by secondary resources that subsequently fomented research. Concerning perception, it was determined that the great majority of students has an interest in research, but do not want to assume the responsibilities and engagement that this extracurricular activity involves. Also, these students state that belonging to these research project groups is complicated, as it demanded the development of diverse investigation competences. However, it is important to highlight that they recognize the importance of this activity for their professional training, making them more competitive to face the current labor market.

Keywords : research; formative research; applied research; research project groups; undergraduate researchers; research competences; higher education; professional training; integral training.

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