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 issue64Island Bolshevism: Russia and the Third International in Puerto Rican Revolutionary Imaginaries, 1919-1936The Communist International and the Beginnings of the South American Secretariat through Regional Systematization of the Bolshevization Process author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Historia Crítica

Print version ISSN 0121-1617


JEIFETS, Víctor  and  JEIFETS, Lazar. The Encounter between the Cuban Left and the Russian Revolution: The Communist Party and the Comintern. hist.crit. [online]. 2017, n.64, pp.81-100. ISSN 0121-1617.

Abstract: This article analyzes the background and evolution of the affiliation of the Cuban left with the Comintern (Communist International), from their first contacts with the Bolshevik Revolution until the end of the 1920s. The authors recover a little-known history in historiography to show that, despite a series of disagreements between Moscow and Cuban communism, Comintern influence was by no means considered unfavorable to interests for Cuba's communist movement. In fact, it helped to strengthen the left in that nation.

Keywords : revolution; Russia; Communist Party of Cuba; Comintern; the left.

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