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Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía

Print version ISSN 0121-215XOn-line version ISSN 2256-5442


BARRANTES CASTILLO, Gustavo  and  MALAVASSI ROJAS, Eduardo. Hazard Map of the Poás Volcano. Cuad. Geogr. Rev. Colomb. Geogr. [online]. 2015, vol.24, n.2, pp.157-172. ISSN 0121-215X.

The Poás volcano presents a series of hazards to the lives and activities of the communities in its surroundings; these hazards include ash fall, volcanic gases, ballistic projection, pyroclastic flows, lahars and lava flows. In the study described in this article, risks were zoned and integrated to form combined hazard maps for later use in territorial planning processes. With respect to methodology, the study was based on a heuristic approximation, which was supported with cartographic, geomorphological, and historical impact criteria to achieve a suitable product in terms of scale and ease of interpretation. These maps present greater detail and integration than other works and cartographies of volcanic hazards in Costa Rica.

Keywords : volcanic hazards; volcanic danger; risk assessment; Poás volcano; volcanism.

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