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Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía
Print version ISSN 0121-215XOn-line version ISSN 2256-5442
BALMACEDA, Nadia Alexandra and DEON, Joaquín Ulises. Agroecological Food-Nutritional Systems in Argentina. Deterritorializing Agribusiness in the Province of Córdoba?. Cuad. Geogr. Rev. Colomb. Geogr. [online]. 2023, vol.32, n.1, pp.158-176. Epub Mar 07, 2024. ISSN 0121-215X.
The transgenic-transnational agribusiness food system is critically estudied. This system brings with it the plundering of common goods, growing socioenvironmental conflicts, and is increasingly responsible for the negative effects on the health of the population and the environment. It aims to understand the plots of this system from its territorial-environmental impact in Cordoba, Argentina. The analysis is based on the act of listening to the different struggling subjects, from the Participatory Action, weaving networks of local resistance, and contributing to understanding the food and territorial reality. In citizens' assemblies, food producers-producers and food organizations -as purchase and consumption networks-, sought to make visible strategies that, from agroecology, seek to deterritorialize the transgenic agribusiness food system. We present the advances and new challenges in terms of banning fumigations, judicialization of struggles, growth of short agroecological food trade circuits and the multiple territorialities of grassroots organizations that, from the Córdoba sierras, contribute to the construction of regional agroecological nutritional food systems, those that continue to be woven collectively to heal with the land.
research article that addresses the socio-environmental conflict around food systems. An interdisciplinary study of nutrition and geography conducted through Participatory Action Research. A work to make visible and interpret food autonomies and processes of social struggle for land and ways of producing food in Argentina.
Keywords : agroecology; food autonomies; environmental struggles; food-nutritional systems; territory; ultra-processed foods.