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On-line version ISSN 0121-3709
TRUJILLO - GONZALEZ, Juan M.; TORRES MORA, Marco A. and SANTANA - CASTANEDA, Elvinia. La palma de Moriche (Mauritia flexuosa L.f;) un ecosistema estratégico. Orinoquia [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.1, pp.62-70. ISSN 0121-3709.
This review was mainly aimed at bringing togethergeneral aspects concerningthis speciewhichhave been investigated to date, especially regardingits biology, ecology and use in the countries where the specie is located. The Moriche palm(Mauritia flexuosa L.f) has a wide distribution, ranging from the Amazon Rever basin to the island of Trinidad. The specie has excellent adaptation to low-fertilitysoil; it is also an integral part of regional natural systems because it has become a fundamental elementin preserving hydric resources and biodiversity. It is being used as a resource generating food, fibres and woodin some local economies. Its economic importance variesamongst different geographical regions;it is barely commercialisedin Colombia while in zones like Iquitos (Peru), ecotypes have begunto be selected for the specie's commercial cultivation and exploitation as an economic network based on its productsalready exists.
Keywords : Mauritia flexuosa L.f; Aguaje; Amazonia; Orinoquia; ecological relationship; traditional use.