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Suma Psicológica

Print version ISSN 0121-4381


JAKOVCEVIC, Adriana; FRANCO, Paul; DALLA POZZA, Marcela Visona  and  LEDESMA, Rubén. Percepción de los beneficios individuales del uso de la bicicleta compartida como modo de transporte. Suma Psicol. [online]. 2016, vol.23, n.1, pp.33-41. ISSN 0121-4381.

Cycling as a mode of transport is associated with numerous social and environmental benefits. However, the benefits that are most valued by cyclists are unknown. This study sought to find out to what extent the Public Bike Sharing System (PBSS) of the city of Buenos Aires produced positive impacts on aspects that users value most when traveling, and analysing whether these evaluations vary according to the intensity of use of the PBSS. To achieve this aim, a questionnaire was designed based on a study on residential quality of life, which was administered to 161 PBSS users. Results indicated that travel aspects such as rapidity, control of arrival time, saving money and -to a lesser extent- health were very important to users, and these aspects had the greatest improvement since they started to use the PBSS. Similarly, those who used the system with greater intensity perceived greater non-instrumental benefits, such as entertainment and comfort. These results suggest that, in order to achieve a sustainable change in mobility behaviours, it is necessary to maintain the instrumental advantages of bike sharing over other modes of transport.

Keywords : Sustainable mobility; Quality of life; Satisfaction with travel.

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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