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Avances en Enfermería
Print version ISSN 0121-4500
URBANO FRANCO, Gloria S and AMAYA-REY, María Consuelo Del Pilar. Families with educable mental deficiencies: Risks and family health. av.enferm. [online]. 2011, vol.29, n.2, pp.342-352. ISSN 0121-4500.
Family knowledge is essential for its care, especially when some of its members require permanent protection, as a consequence of suffering an Educable Mental Deficiency(EMD). Goal: To determine the Total Family Risk (TFR) and the Degree of Family Health (GSF) of the families with one or more of their members with an EMD, belonging to a District Educational Center of the City of Bogota, 2007-2009. This research is supported by the Total Family Risk theory of Amaya, and by the Systemic Organizations of Friedemann. Methodology: Descriptive and quantitative study, with n = 129 families evaluated using the following instruments: "Total Family Risk: TFR : 6-69" and "Degree of Family Health ISF: GEN-25" of Amaya. Results: The study found that 77% of the families were nuclear (either nuclear or modified nuclear families in similar proportions), and 66% of their members are dependent either by their age or EMD. The TFR established that 22% of its members are qualified as "menaced", and a 2% qualified as being in "high risk". The ISF: GEN showed that 21% were classified as organized families, 34% as slightly organized and 28% as somewhat satisfied, though 43% showed high organization, but only a 27% showed satisfaction. Conclusion: As a consequence of the described risks, little organization or low satisfaction, families require immediate support in order to mitigate the risks, as well as the counseling of the Mental Health Nursing staff to improve the organization and for greater satisfaction. Likewise, all the families, as a consequence of the presence of EMD, require constant care and counseling to satisfy the demands of protection against the threats of crisis.
Keywords : family health; risk; mental disorders.