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Avances en Enfermería
On-line version ISSN 0121-4500
VESGA GUALDRON, Lucy Marcela and RUIZ DE CARDENAS, Carmen Helena. Validity and reliability of a caring professional scale in spanish. av.enferm. [online]. 2016, vol.34, n.1, pp.69-78. ISSN 0121-4500.
The Escala de Cuidado Profesional resulted from the Caring Professional Scale (CPS) of Dr. Swanson and it allows the measurement of ambulatory care and hospital environment Objective: To determine the validity and reliability of the Professional Care Scale-Spanish version, 2011, in the care offered to pregnant women in a locality of Bogota city, Colombia. Methodology: Methodological study where tests for Facial Validity were applied to a heterogeneous sample of 471 women with low academic level. Content Validity was conducted by a panel of 11 expert nurses, who judged the importance of the items. Construct Validity and Reliability was made with a sample of 150 pregnant women attending prenatal care. Results: Gross understandability exceeded 94%. The scale revealed a global content validity with a content validity index of 0.893. The scale obtained a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.907. The construct recognizes two factors in its theoretical structure: Compassionate healer and Proficient healer. Conclusion: The scale is highly understandable, with great content validity according to expert judgment and a high level of reliability. Moreover, it measures the construct of professional care.
Keywords : Nursing Care; Obstetric Nursing; Nursing Methodology Research.