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vol.26 issue77FARC: RISE AND DECLINE OF A WAR MODELPOLITICAL STABILITY AND TAXATION SUMMARY author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Análisis Político

Print version ISSN 0121-4705


ROJAS, Diana Marcela. MUCH MORE THAN A WAR ON DRUGS: ELEMENTOS PARA UN BALANCE DEL PLAN COLOMBIA. anal.polit. [online]. 2013, vol.26, n.77, pp.113-132. ISSN 0121-4705.

The aim of this paper is to present some elements for an overall assessment of Pla Colombia (1999-2010), while strategy (re) construction state supported and funded in part by the United States, inresponse to the serious crisis thecountry was in th lat 90s. To do this, first, we analyze what were the terms of the debate on an evaluation of Plan Colombia, secondly,it raises parameters to analyze the results of the strategy in three dimensions: securitization, political and socio-economic. Finally, some thoughts are presented in conclusion.

Keywords : Plan Colombia Colombia-US relations; democratic security policy; counterinsurgency strategy; drug policy; state-building; international intervention.

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