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Análisis Político
Print version ISSN 0121-4705
BARBOSA VARGAS, Julián Eduardo. DIFFERENTIATED CONFIGURATION OF AUTODEFENSAS CAMPESINAS IN CORDOBA AND URABA IN THE URABA REGION: Northern Uraba, Banana-producing Uraba, Southern Uraba in Antioquia, and Uraba in Choco. anal.polit. [online]. 2015, vol.28, n.84, pp.39-57. ISSN 0121-4705.
This article addresses the topic of paramilitarism in the Uraba region between 1994 and 1997, offering an analysis of the paramilitary configuration in the region. This study analyzes the territory in three sub-regions and proposes that paramilitary configuration in each was different. In Northern Uraba there was a configuration of domination without resistance; in the Banana-producing Uraba, there was a configuration of domination with resistance; and in Southern Uraba and the Uraba in Choco there was an invasion with resistance.
Keywords : Armed Actors; Paramilitarism; Guerrillas; Uraba; State.