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Estudios Políticos
Print version ISSN 0121-5167On-line version ISSN 2462-8433
ARTEAGA VILLA, Víctor. Toward a Characterization of the Position and the Profile of the Colombian Elector. Estud. Polit. [online]. 2011, n.39, pp.75-94. ISSN 0121-5167.
This article presents an approach to the characterization of the position that has been given and the profile that has been created of the Colombian elector. Taking as the starting point a literature review on the subject, this article analyzes the most relevant literature that has been produced on the relations: elections / political parties, politicians/electors and singles out the categories to be emphasized. Furthermore, starting from the establishment of the reasons for a decision and the voter orientation, it lists factors that spring from very particular motivations and induce the elector to participate, such as, civic (duties of the citizen, avoir faire of citizen), cynical (being part of the counterpart).
Keywords : Local Politics; Traditional Political Parties; Non-traditional Political Parties; Electoral Behavior; Electoral Strategies; Medellín; Colombia.