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Estudios Políticos
Print version ISSN 0121-5167On-line version ISSN 2462-8433
RESTREPO PARRA, Adrián; TABARES OCHOA, Catalina and HURTADO GALEANO, Deicy. What Political Science Are We Talking About? The potentialities of an Integrating Approach. Estud. Polit. [online]. 2013, n.43, pp.13-38. ISSN 0121-5167.
The article proposed to understand the production of knowledge about political phenomena, through a review of an empirical case, the Political Studies Institute of the University of Antioquia (IEP). It rebuilds disciplinary perspectives, and theoretical and methodological traditions involved in the study of the Colombian political reality, from the following dimensions: 1) the subject of the discipline — politics—, and its relationship to the national context characterized by war dynamics and organizational processes, 2) the disciplinary hybridization and the contribution that different fields of specialization in the Social Sciences have made to policy analysis, 3) the theoretical framework involved in the reading of political problems and 4) political analysis methods, of which the essential feature is the diversity and complementarity of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The case review leads to the recognition of the plurality of subjects-objects, the theories and methodological tools for political analysis, all of these review some threads of contemporary political theory and political science, which aims to configure an integrating approach as a way to understand the Colombian and Latin American political contexts.
Keywords : Political Science; Political Studies; Political Philosophy; Epistemology; Political Theory; Integrating Approach.