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Ciencia en Desarrollo

Print version ISSN 0121-7488


MORENO MANCILLA, Oscar Felipe  and  MOLANO RENDON, Fredy. Variation in the Abundances of Homocopris achamas (Harold, 1867) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in the Rabanal Paramo, Boyacá-Colombia. Ciencia en Desarrollo [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.2, pp.67-73. ISSN 0121-7488.

Abstract The knowledge about dung beetles in Colombian paramos is insufficient and limited, due to that these ecosystems have been poorly sampled for Scarabaidae family case. This paper aims to describe the variation in the abundances of Homocopris achamas, unique species of the family Scarabaeidae reported in the Rabanal paramo. 46 specimens were collected, from which one was captured inside the forest, five in the frailejonal-forest edge, 22 in frailejonal and 18 in grassland. 36.4% of them were female and 63.6% were male. All specimens were collected during the rainy season. Significant differences in the H. achamas abundances were found in the different vegetables covers present in the paramos, suggesting that H. achamas prefers frailejonal and grassland covers more than the forests edge and interior covers. prefers frailejonal and grassland covers more than the forests edge and interior covers.

Keywords : Dung Beetles; Highland; Rabanal Paramo.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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