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Print version ISSN 0121-7550
GUTIERREZ BORRERO, Alfredo. Resurgences: south, as designs and other designs. Nómadas [online]. 2015, n.43, pp.113-129. ISSN 0121-7550.
This article examines Industrial Design as a profession that supports the modern-capitalist civilization pattern, which has harmful effects on a global level. In response, it states the possible creation of alternatives to coexist with industrial civilization; these alternatives are development-oriented equivalents of Design that have emerged from traditions that difer from the dominant Western traditions, and originated in locations relegated geographically, as well as in hegemonic epistemo-logical locations. The article concludes that the Designs of the South have been present throughout history; time is required to recognize the Designs, to start designing and be designed by them.
Keywords : resurgences; design; South; coexistence; sumak kawsay; mitakuye oyasin.