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Hacia la Promoción de la Salud
Print version ISSN 0121-7577
PENARANDA CORREA, Fernando; LOPEZ RIOS, Jennifer Marcela and MOLINA BERRIO, Diana Patricia. HEALTH EDUCATION IN PUBLIC HEALTH: A PEDAGOGICAL ANALYSIS. Hacia promoc. Salud [online]. 2017, vol.22, n.1, pp.123-133. ISSN 0121-7577.
Objectives: In scientific literature about health education (HE), found that there are two pedagogical models in tension, a contradiction between theory and practice in those experiences that are trying to promote critical points of view, and a weakness in pedagogical foundation, which are explained by failure in training of human talent. This research aims to discuss such findings to broaden the understanding of the assumptions and pedagogical perspectives of HE in the field of public health. Materials and Methods: Qualitative orientation documental research was conducted. Based on three inclusion criteria, 40 articles were taken from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Cuba. As a result of an emerging process, six categories were constructed for analysis. Results: Using the six emerging categories, four trends were identified in the 17 studies about program or projects systematization, analysis or evaluation, and three trends on the three review studies about conceptions, pedagogical models and health education objectives. Conclusion: With the tendencies identified, it is argued that there is a more diverse and complex situation, than a dichotomous position of traditional vs. critical health education. It is reductionist to blame lack of training as the cause of health education problems and the existence of contradiction between theory and practice. The discussion about health education in public health is a more complex issue which needs to be analyzed taking into consideration its pedagogical foundations and the theory of public health.
Keywords : Health education; public health; qualitative research; education; health.