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Historia y Sociedad

Print version ISSN 0121-8417


ALARCON MENESES, Luis. Analfabetos pero republicanos. El mundo del libro escolar en el Caribe colombiano, 1857-1886. Hist. Soc. [online]. 2012, n.23, pp.207-241. ISSN 0121-8417.

This article deals with two instruments used in the process of civic education in the Colombian Caribbean during the second half of the nineteenth century and civics textbooks. They represented at that time the ideal way to achieve enlightenment, a cornerstone with which it sought to lay the foundation that would support the political project of radical liberalism. It gave the duo an essential role in the modeling process of the mind and consciousness of children and young people who had to learn through these new moral codes and the values of the new republican regime. However, the process was implemented in a largely illiterate society.

Keywords : citizenship; Colombian Caribbean; illiteracy; republic; church.

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