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Revista MVZ Córdoba
Print version ISSN 0122-0268
CASTILLO-RODRIGUEZ, Sonia; RIVERA-SANDOVAL, Jorge; GONZALEZ-REYNA, Arnoldo and MARTINEZ-GONZALEZ, Juan. Comportamiento predestete de cabritos cruzados en Guanajuato, México. Rev.MVZ Cordoba [online]. 2013, vol.18, suppl.1, pp.3607-3611. ISSN 0122-0268.
Objective. Birth and weaning weights were recorded, to valuate pre-weaning performance of crossbred kids, in eighth small milk goat flocks, from Guanajuato, Mexico. Materials and methods. Records of 234 kid dings were used; the goats were kept under grazing rangeland with supplementation of commercial concentrate. The kids were crossbred between Sannen, Alpine and Toggenburg breeds. Data was analyzed by a statistical model in which the flock effects (FL), contemporary group (CG), parity number (PN), litter size (LS) and sex of the kid (SK) were considered. Results. Birth weights averaged 3.4±0.5 kg (range 2 to 5.5 kg) and weight at 60 days of age averaged 13.7±1.8 kg (range 8.0 to 17.5 kg); and daily weight gain averaged 0.17±0.02 kg (range 0.08 to 0.23 kg). Birth weights were affected (p<0.01) by FL, CG, PN, LS and SK. However, weight at 60 days and daily weight gain were affected (p<0.05) by FL and SK. Conclusions. The flock affected the performance of the kids.
Keywords : Flocks; goats kids; performance.