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Revista Médica de Risaralda
Print version ISSN 0122-0667
MORENO-GUTIERREZ, Paula Andrea et al. Eating disordder among adolescents in public schools from Pereira . Revista médica Risaralda [online]. 2016, vol.22, n.1, pp.9-13. ISSN 0122-0667.
Introduction: Eating disorders (ED) are the third most prevalent chronic disease among adolescents and they are considered a public health issue. Objective: To determine the prevalence of eating disorders in students from 10th and 11th grade in public high schools at the urban area of Pereira city. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted. Participants were randomly sampled using proportional allocation among public schools at the urban area of Pereira and the “Encuesta de Comportamiento Alimentario (ECA)” was applied. Results: 382 students were interviewed, of which 58.9% were male. ECA test scores were positive for eating disorders in 24.3% of the study sample. According to the Body Mass Index, 9.7% of the population was classified as underweight, 5.8% were overweighed and 1.6%were obese. The presence of episodes of eating large amounts of food followed by guilt was reported in 33.4% of the cases. A statistically significant relationship was found (p<0.005) among female gender and positive ECA results (OR=3.83), dieting (OR=1.55), altered self-image (OR=1.79), laxatives use (OR=2.58) and induced vomiting (OR=4.41).
Keywords : Eating disorders; Adolescent Psychiatry; Mass screening.