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Ingeniería y Desarrollo

Print version ISSN 0122-3461


GAMA MELO, Erika Nathalia; AVILES SANCHEZ, Oscar Fernando  and  AMAYA HURTADO, Darlo. Anthropomorphic robotic hands: a review. Ing. Desarro. [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.2, pp.279-313. ISSN 0122-3461.

This paper presents a review on main topic regarding to anthropomorphic robotic hands developed in the last years, taking into account the more important mechatronics designs submit on the literature, and making a comparison between them. The next chapters deepen on level of anthropomorphism and dexterity in advanced actuated hands and upper limbs prostheses, as well as a brief overview on issues such as grasping, transmission mechanisms, sensory and actuator system, and also a short introduction on under-actuated robotic hands is reported.

Keywords : anthropomorphism; dexterous robotic hand; humanoid robotics; underactuated robotic hand.

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