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Papel Politico
Print version ISSN 0122-4409
SIMMONDS PACHON, Oscar. Brazil and Colombia Facing the Infrastructural Integration: Between Region Building and Ostracism. Pap.polit. [online]. 2014, vol.19, n.1, pp.237-263. ISSN 0122-4409.
This paper reports on the position of Brazil and Colombia against infrastructure integration processes, understood as part of the process of regionalization in the South American territory. The study begins placing each of the countries within the regional system and the relationship of this with its deployment within the international system. After this, we analyze the way Colombia has addressed infrastructural integration inside its foreign policy agendas, oriented towards the relations with its neighbors, realizing the lack of a strategic perspective by the State on the potential subregional which could assume leadership within the South American infrastructure integration.
Keywords : infrastructure integration; IIRSA; regional leader power; regional secondary power; foreign policy; regionalism.