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CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro
Print version ISSN 0122-5383
VALBUENA-NINO, Ely-Dannier et al. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE LOW ALLOY STEEL MODIFIED SUPERFICIALLY WITH IONS OF TITANIUM AND NITROGEN. C.T.F Cienc. Tecnol. Futuro [online]. 2016, vol.6, n.3, pp.135-146. ISSN 0122-5383.
ABSTRACT The three-Dimensional Ion Implantation technique (3DII) causes ions to collide with a solid surface in a perpendicular way regardless of the geometry of the solid (Khvesyuk & Tsygankov, 1997; Dougar-Jabon, Dulce-Moreno & Tsygankov, 2002). The steel AISI SAE 4140 has been used as substrate because of its wide use in the transport of oil industry, the specimens of steel underwent surface modification with Titanium ions (Ti) and the combined ions of titanium and nitrogen (Ti+N), with energy of 1 OkeV for 5min and lOmin. The superficially modified and unmodified specimens were characterized by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), noting among the most outstanding results the electrochemical double layer system capacitive characteristics under all tested conditions, the best corrosion performance was obtained for implanted substrates with Ti ions for 70m/n, having a charge transfer resistance much higher than those implanted with Ti+N and the non-implanted. Additionally it was determined that all the implanted systems can be simulated by using one equivalent circuit with a constant phase element instead of a capacitor and the non implanted substrate from day 15 can be simulated through another equivalent circuit.
Keywords : Chromium-molybdenum steels; Corrosion; Spectroscopy ionic implantation.