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Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria

Print version ISSN 0122-8706


VALENCIA R., Ruben A.  and  GOMEZ A., Linda Y.. Caracterización molecular de las cepas de Bradyrhizobium japonicum J-01, J-96 y J-98, mediante protocolos rep-PCR. Corpoica cienc. tecnol. agropecu. [online]. 2012, vol.13, n.2, pp.196-200. ISSN 0122-8706.

The cultivation of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merril), in oxisols of the Colombian Orinoco has restrictions due to high aluminum saturation and generally low CEC and OM, which affect the biological fixation of N and the normal growth of plants. In response to this problem, the plants are inoculated with different strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The B. japonicum strains J-96 and J-98 are a highly effective choice for biological nitrogen fixation in soybean varieties in the Colombian Orinoco. This study determined the molecular patterns of the strains J-01, J-96 and J-98 with the primers Box- PCR and Eric-PCR; genetic differences were established, which can be useful for future programs of identification of individuals, population studies and assisted selection. The B. japonicum strains J-96 and J-98 are highly effective new options of biological varieties for nitrogen fixation of soybeans in the Colombian Orinoco.

Keywords : variety; polymorphism; oxisol; initiator.

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