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Boletín Científico. Centro de Museos. Museo de Historia Natural
Print version ISSN 0123-3068
HAHN VON-HESSBERG, Christine M; GRAJALES-QUINTERO, Alberto and RESTREPO-MURILLO, Martín A. PROTOCOLS MONOGRAPH TO OBTAIN MONSEXUALTILAPIA NILÓTICA POPULATIONS (Oreochromis niloticus; TREW. 1983). Bol. Cient. Mus. Hist. Nat. Univ. Caldas [online]. 2012, vol.16, n.1, pp.156-172. ISSN 0123-3068.
The management of male monosexual tilapia population is a solution to the production difficulties showed by this species due to its reproductive precociousness and low rates of female development. A monosexual population controls non-desired reproduction and provides higher levels of uniformity in each lot, having an impact on the productive cycles, higher profit and better profitability. Different protocols in the research and productive fields which allow monosexual tilapia male populations such as androgenesis, gynogenesis and GMT are gathered.
Keywords : androgenesis; Cichlidae; gynogenesis; GMT; sex reversion.