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Persona y Bioética
On-line version ISSN 2027-5382
QUIJADA-GONZALEZ, Cristina and TOMAS Y GARRIDO, Gloria María. LIVING WILL: KNOW AND UNDERSTAND ITS MEANING AND SIGNIFICANCE. pers.bioét. [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.2, pp.138-152. ISSN 2027-5382.
Life presents each of us with the reality of our own death and the death of others. The big question that hovers over the end stage of life is the attitude adopted by each one: life and death, its meaning varies from one culture to another and, particularly, by the beliefs according to which we live. This publication intends to contribute to the resolution of doubts as to when and how to draw up an advance directive, popularly known as a living will, as, for now, this is not a socially widespread practice and it does not arrive to 3/1,000 individuals that meet the requirements to grant it if they have decided to do so. And at the same time, this article helps to remember aspects such as dignity, freedom and confidence which, in the end stage of life, attain an ever greater significance. This document of advance directives, which is not without controversy, allows any and all capable individuals to leave evidence of the health care or medical treatments he/she would like to receive if, when the time has come, he/she were unable to make decisions or were unable to express them him/ herself. Properly used, it can be an effective instrument for clinical relationships.
Keywords : Living will; death; bio-legal; right to die.