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Psicología desde el Caribe
Print version ISSN 0123-417XOn-line version ISSN 2011-7485
ARIAS CARDONA, Ana María and SOTO VELEZ, José Andrés. Encuentros con la diferencia: la pluralidad en las experiencias de jóvenes universitarios. Psicol. caribe [online]. 2019, vol.36, n.1, pp.45-60. ISSN 0123-417X.
This article summarizes the highlights of a thesis that analyses the symbolic ways of exclusion among university students. It focuses on the "plurality" category which objective was to understand how young frame their encounter with difference, how they confront diversity in their relationships. The design was qualitative, the hermeneutical method was used along with workshops and interviews techniques. 119 young people participated, from two public university and two private university in Antioquia (Colombia). The results are grouped into three subcategories: "We are all 'the other of the other: difference as deficit"; "To prefer is not to exclude: How to opt for certain ones without harming others?" and inclusion processes that show solidary mobilizations: which allows to conclude that diversity is read as something negative, that the limit regarding discrimination is diffuse and such, since those acts have been "naturalized".
Keywords : exclusion; inclusion; young students; plurality; university.