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Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica
Print version ISSN 0123-4226
VASQUEZ, Juan Fernando and OLIVERA, Martha. RESIDUOS DE β-LACTÁMICOS EN LECHE CRUDA Y FACTORES ASOCIADOS A SU PRESENTACIÓN. rev.udcaactual.divulg.cient. [online]. 2012, vol.15, n.1, pp.157-165. ISSN 0123-4226.
The Codex Alimentarius determines that residual antibiotics in milk should be zero due to the negative effects on human health. With the aim tocontribute to the information on residues of β lactamics, the most common antimicrobials used in Colombia for the control infections in dairy cattle, and for making an approach to risks factors associated to the event of residues in milk we analyzed the data bases of eleven dairy collection facilities from different regions of the country. The frequency of residues was determined during 2010 and risk factors were searched in surveys applied by professionals belonging to the collection facilities to the herds appearing positive to residues during the period 2007 a 2010. This Centers received milk from 8423 producers; out of the 738 millions litters sampled 0.05% were positive. 340 surveys were analyzed and the two major risk factors associated to residues were the use of medications without a professional prescription and the lack of medical histories. Other factors associated were forgetting the retirement (42.57%) and incomplete retirement period (20.79%) The β-lactámicos most frequently found were mixtures of cloxaciline-ampiciline (20%), mixtures of peniciline G (15.2%) and to a lesser extend cefalosporines, amoxicilines y penetamate. Diseases associated to positivity were clinical mastitis (76%) and lameness (16%).
Keywords : Antibiotics; mastitis; residues in milk; public health.