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Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica
Print version ISSN 0123-4226
BAYONA-ROJAS, Martín Alonso and GUTIERREZ-ESCOBAR, Andrés Julián. BIOFILM: A SURVIVAL MECHANISM OF Helicobacter pylori. rev.udcaactual.divulg.cient. [online]. 2013, vol.16, n.2, pp.335-342. ISSN 0123-4226.
Helicobacter pylori is a pathogen which colonizes the human stomach and is associated with multiple gastrointestinal diseases. Metabolism occurs within a biofilm which is a complex exopolysaccharide that allows the bacterium to survive in hostile environments and be resistant to the action of antibiotics, since it prevents complete penetration of these compounds. The present review was designed to perform an update on the importance of the biopolymer regarding the survival of the bacteria and show its public health significance.
Keywords : Microbiology; bacterium; peptic ulcer; microbial resistance; microbial culture.