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Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica
Print version ISSN 0123-4226
QUEVEDO GARCIA, Enrique; CANCINO ESCALANTE, Giovanni Orlando and BARRAGAN TORRES, Anderson Rodrigo. REGRESSION MODELS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF THE DRY WEIGHTS OF ORGANS AND THE LIMBO AREA OF THE PEACH VARIETY JARILLO. rev.udcaactual.divulg.cient. [online]. 2017, vol.20, n.2, pp.299-310. ISSN 0123-4226.
Non-destructive, rapid and reliable methods for estimating the area of limb and dry weight of peach organs for the Jarillo variety are limited. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to produce a statistical model to estimate the area and dry weight of limb fruit and branches of this specific variety that can be used as a tool to facilitate data collection. The study was performed in the mountains of Pamplona, Northwest of Colombia. Two Hundred and forty leaves (240) from 2.5 months old limb, 240 fruits of 3.5 and 7 months old fruits and 240 branches of 9 months old branches were selected and used to develop the model. Results of the regression analysis indicated that several models were suitable to estimate the area limb and the dry weight. The observed and estimated data were compared by establishing the relationship by means of a simple linear regression for the branch and limb. The relation for the fruit was quadratic type. The number of buds, volume of branches, length of mixed branches and basal/mean diameter, dry weight of fruit, sampling, longitudinal diameter of the fruit, altitude, length of limb, dry weight of limb, the product of the length by the width of the limb, width of the limb, should be considered in the estimation of the area limb and dry weight of the peach organs of P. persica (L.) Jarillo variety.
Keywords : Linear measurements; leaf dimensions; predictions; branches; modelling; dry weight.