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Revista de Derecho Privado
Print version ISSN 0123-4366
CARLOS HENAO, Juan. Reparation forms on liability of the State: Towards the substantial unification in all the remedies against the State. Rev. Derecho Privado [online]. 2015, n.28, pp.277-366. ISSN 0123-4366.
This paper involves a critical analysis of tort reparation in the Colombian administrative law. From the study of the notions of 'damage' and 'reparation', that are the basis of liability, it is shown the limited understanding of extra-contractual liability of the State. Thus, the author proposes an understanding of the reparations based on the 'universalization' criteria, without the consideration of the judicial remedy that pursuit the liability of the State. In addition, the article explores the judicial resources determined by the Código de Procedimiento Administrativo y de lo Contencioso Administrativo and the constitutional remedies, regarding the different forms of tort reparation.
Keywords : Extra-contractual liability of the State; damage; reparation; forms of reparation; reparation in natura; pecuniary compensation; judicial remedies.