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Print version ISSN 0123-4870


ORDUZ NAVARRETE, Yehicy. The loss of the phonological distinction /ʝ/ -/ʎ/ in the Bogotanian speech. Folios [online]. 2013, n.37, pp.51-62. ISSN 0123-4870.

In Colombia, dialectal studies are of great interest, especially since the 70s. National dialectologists such as Professor Luis Flórez and Professor Jose Joaquin Montes, and many of their students have published several articles about the Spanish spoken in Colombia, in national and international magazines. Following the idea that linguistic evolution starts with speech and is reinforced in the phonetic production in individuals belonging to a social group, this study shows the latest condition of phonological distinction /ʝ/ -/ʎ/, with the aim of validating the ideas of experts like José Moreno de Alba, John Lipsky or José J. Montes. The review of theories including origins of difference and the study of their acoustic characterization establish a theoretical foundation for the analysis of some samples of speech from Bogota. The results describe the loss of this phonological distinction.

Keywords : Colombian Spanish; Bogota's speech; Yeismo; phonological variation.

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