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Print version ISSN 0123-7799On-line version ISSN 2256-5337


TRIANA-ROJAS, Edy Andrés  and  CAMARGO-MENDOZA, Jorge E.. Videojuego para la enseñanza de la realización de diseños de iluminación siguiendo el RETILAP. TecnoL. [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.49, pp.63-91. ISSN 0123-7799.

The following thesis raises the educational video game design like a learning tool about lighting design methodologies. The video game has been designed by Unity platform and it has five levels. The first three levels are based in indoor lighting design, the four level is about sports lighting, while the last level is about emergency lighting, keeping in mind the current regulation into RETILAP. To make lighting designs without keeping in mind the RETILAP, has serious visual health consequences, and facilitates the low labor performance by workers in companies, as show it in the next chapter. Through the video game, the lighting guild people will know and apply the current normativity and the lighting design methodologies in an easy and didactic work.

Keywords : Sports lighting; serious videogames; lighting design; visual health.

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