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Print version ISSN 0123-7799On-line version ISSN 2256-5337


LLANO, Eliana; RIOS, Diana  and  RESTREPO, Gloria. Evaluación de tecnologías para la estabilización de suelos viales empleando intemperismo acelerado. Una estrategia de análisis de impactos sobre la biodiversidad. TecnoL. [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.49, pp.164-178. ISSN 0123-7799.

Road infrastructure construction generates direct impacts on biodiversity such as habitat fragmentation; death of animals by run over; deforestation, noise pollution and particulate matter; deterioration and depletion of natural resources due to the exploitation of sources of materials. Chemical stabilization is presented as a technical, economically and environmentally sustainable solution, which consists in the use of chemical additives to improve the engineering properties of the soil. This investigation evaluates different stabilization technologies under conditions of accelerated weathering, to establish its effect on performance and durability of road soils, as well as possible impacts on biodiversity compared to the use of traditional building materials. Seven chemicals were studied that were added on a soil previously characterized and classified. Specimens were compacted with the parameters obtained in the standard proctor and these specimens were subjected to continuous cycles of ultraviolet light (UVA) and condensation in QUV-SPRAY / 240 Accelerated Weathering Chamber at exposure times: 0, 108, 216, 324, 432 and 540 h. For each time, pH, conductivity, unconfined compressive strength and direct shear test were measured. The results obtained showed a good performance of the additive systems by presenting greater mechanical resistance with respect to the natural soil, this effect is especially greater in pozzolanic products. On the other hand, it is observed that when applying these products, the soil retains characteristics of the natural soil, lower emissions of particulate material and lower rates of heat absorption compared to a traditional pavement structure. The evaluation under conditions of accelerated weathering allows to estimate the long-term performance and the useful life of these materials; show advantages from an environmental and biodiversity conservation point of view, by mitigating impacts such as the edge effect by decreasing surface temperature conditions on roads.

Keywords : Chemical stabilization materials; clay soils; weathering on road soils; sustainable road infrastructure; physicochemical and mechanical characterization.

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