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Print version ISSN 0123-921X


HERNANDEZ, Cesar; PEDRAZA MARTINEZ, Luis Fernando  and  MARTINEZ SARMIENTO, Fredy Hernán. Algoritmos para asignación de espectro en redes de radio cognitiva. Tecnura [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.48, pp.69-88. ISSN 0123-921X.

Context: Spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks is a key aspect to reduce latency, increase data rate, increase bandwidth, improve capacity and coverage, and optimize the use of the spectrum, guaranteeing the quality of service required applications and best-effort and real-time. Objective: This paper aims to present a review of the algorithms for spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks, describing the relevant algorithms for spectrum allocation and its classification according to the current literature. Method: The development of this review was conducted based on the analysis of recent publications of mainstream with their respective appointments, trying to provide a complete reference framework of the current literature on the algorithms for spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks. Results: The main results determine the importance of smart spectrum allocation, taking into account the traffic load, user behavior, interference levels, spectral characterization, the type of application and the need for multiple frequency channels. Conclusion: In conclusion it is important to design adaptive algorithms to make efficient use of the available portions of the licensed spectrum.

Keywords : algorithm; spectrum allocation; cognitive radio; wireless networks; decision-making.

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