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Revista de Salud Pública

Print version ISSN 0124-0064


RAMIREZ-VELEZ, Robinson  and  AGREDO, Ricardo A. The Fantastic instrument's validity and reliability for measuring Colombian adults' life-style. Rev. salud pública [online]. 2012, vol.14, n.2, pp.226-237. ISSN 0124-0064.

Objective The Fantastic lifestyle assessment questionnaire was designed to help healthcare physicians measure their patients' life-styles. This work was thus aimed at assessing the reliability and validity of the Fantastic questionnaire (version 3 translated into Spanish) on a group of Colombian adults. Materials and Methods The questionnaire was administered to 550 people to fill out themselves. Measures of central tendency and dispersion were used for the domains and groups; internal consistency and inter-scalar correlation were calculated. Results It was found that the 25 items, and those grouped into 10 domains exceeded the proposed reliability standard (Cronbach ∞), being greater than 0.50 and 0.73, respectively. Inter-scalar correlation was good and acceptable in various categories of the Fantastic questionnaire (total cf domains), (r=0.19 to 0.79; p <0.01). >Conclusions Fantastic questionnaire version 3 brings together some of the internal consistency and construct validity criteria. It is recommended that the questionnaire be used in primary healthcare and epidemiological studies.

Keywords : Lifestyle; test validity; results' reproducibility; adult; Colombia.

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