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Print version ISSN 0124-0137


LASTRE MEZA, Karina; LOPEZ SALAZAR, Luz Daris  and  ALCAZAR BERRIO, Clara. Relationship between family support and academic achievement in primary school students. Psicogente [online]. 2018, vol.21, n.39, pp.102-115. ISSN 0124-0137.


This research paper aims to establish the relationship between family support and aca demic performance for 3° E.B.P students of Heriberto García educational institution from Tolu-viejo, Sucre.


A positivist paradigm to conduct this research through (ACM), a descrip tive statistics and multiple correspondence analysis was used.


Show that the structure of students nuclear families have low socio-economical and educational levels and the prevalence of informal activities are related to construction. Also, a basic performance on subjects such as social sciences, sciences, math and Spanish, was found.


Then, a significant statistically relationship between academic performance and family support was determined, showing that those children whose parents accompany them making feedback and are attentive to their school life, have higher performance in the school.

Keywords : Family; School; Academic performance; Family support.

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