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Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana

Print version ISSN 0124-4108


STEPHENS-CAMACHO, Norma Aurora; VALDEZ-HURTADO, Santiago; LASTRA-ZAVALA, Guillermo  and  FELIX-IBARRA, Lucía Irene. Consumption of Non-nutritive Sweeteners: Cellular and Metabolic Effects. Perspect Nut Hum [online]. 2018, vol.20, n.2, pp.185-202. ISSN 0124-4108.


The primary function of non-nutritive sweeteners is to provide the consumer with a sweet product without the caloric load of sugar. The consumption of non-nutritive sweeteners is related to alterations in DNA, apoptosis, and the synthesis of cancer precursors. Recently, its consumption has been related to an increase in adipose tissue.


To analyze the effect of long-term consumption of these sweeteners and evaluate the risk of these related factors.

Materials and Methods:

Pubmed, Scielo and Redalyc database search and analysis of references related to toxic and metabolic effects of consumption of non-nutritrive sweeteners.


The consumption presents cytotoxic effects in different study models. There appears to be a relationship with an increase in synthesis of adipose tissue, which causes obesity and derived diseases. Synthetic sweeteners have the most cytotoxic alterations, whereas natural sweeteners, except steviosides, do not present adverse effects. Multiple investigations explain the impact of non-nutritive sweetener consumption on metabolism and related cytotoxic effects.


The issue of sweeteners is controversial; therefore the information compiled in this review seeks to provide a panorama that helps understand the cellular and metabolic level responses of their consumption.

Keywords : Non-nutritive sweeteners; sweetening agents; toxicity; adverse effects; diabetes mellitus.

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