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Print version ISSN 0124-7441
TORRES MOLINA, Luz Elena. Rights in the procedure of the capture of integral persons of the population LGTBI. Justicia [online]. 2015, n.28, pp.56-70. ISSN 0124-7441.
The struggle for equality has had to promote LGTBI community in Colombia has not been easy, activism and resistance have been crucial to achieving the recognition and vindication of the rights and guarantees that correspond to all individuals points. Equality, the free development of personality, autonomy, due process, physical integrity, the principle of human dignity itself should not be claimed, but recognized also its protection mechanisms. Internationally it has not created a specific legal tool for these, however interpretations and jurisprudence of the organs and human rights courts recognize equality and non-discrimination in the right to sexual orientation or gender identity. Studies and reports on human rights in Colombia show the high discrimination and abuse from the police community.
Keywords : Human dignity; Equality; and Protection mechanisms.