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Print version ISSN 0124-7441
DUQUE QUINTERO, Sandra Patricia; QUINTERO QUINTERO, Marta Lucía and DUQUE QUINTERO, Mónica. The processes of economic integration and his incident in the relation rate of intellectual property-biodiversity. Justicia [online]. 2016, n.29, pp.119-130. ISSN 0124-7441.
This article analyzes the relationship between trade agreements and the implementation of the domestic legislation of intellectual property regimes, and how it raises a direct effect over the regulation on the use and ownership of tangible and intangible components of biodiversity. In this sense, is described as though the laws on Intellectual Property rights vary by country, international treaties including the Paris and Berne and agreements such as GATT-OMC-which includes aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Trade-Related Aspects (TRIPS) have determined the creation of new institutional and legal frameworks on property ownership and public rights considered so far, as is the case of biodiversity
Keywords : Biodiversity; Legislation; Intellectual property; Trade treaties.