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Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín
Print version ISSN 0304-2847
REYES CAICEDO, Martín Esteban; ROSERO DELGADO, Carlos Alberto and BETANCOURTH GARCIA, Carlos. WHEAT GENOTYPES BEHAVIOR TO FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT IN NARIÑO DEPARTMENT, COLOMBIA. Rev. Fac. Nac. Agron. Medellín [online]. 2010, vol.63, n.1, pp.5240-5251. ISSN 0304-2847.
The Fusarium sead blight of wheat caused by Fusarium spp. is registred in the Nariño Department (Colombia), like one of most limiting diseases, due to the high prevalence and the poor management techniques. This research was carried out in orfer to evaluate the reaction of different wheat genotypes inoculated with the pathogen, and the effect on yield components. 45 genotypes were evaluated, 13 of them proceeding from CORPOICA Colletion, and 32 giving by the Agricultural Science School (University of Nariño). The Fusarium spp was isolated at the laboratory from spike that presented the characteristic disease symptoms like pink color grains due to micelium growth. The field inoculation was realized during heading state with a hand pump (20 L). A randomized block desing with four replications was used, and 45 treatments were compared. The pathogen incidence on spike and grain was analized. Yield components such as effective tiller, spike grain nunmber, grain 1000 weight and yield also were considered. The results indicated the 10 genotypes had high resistance (HR), and two of them were resistance (R) to Fusarium spp; L23 genotype, was the best. It was found that the genotypes that presented resistance have ICA YACUANQUER variety as parent, this wheat material is recongnized by its moderate resistance to the disease.
Keywords : genotypes; resistanece; incidence.