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Pensamiento & Gestión

Print version ISSN 1657-6276On-line version ISSN 2145-941X


GONZALEZ BANALES, Dora Luz  and  RODENES ADAM, Manuel. La influencia del capital relacional, innovación tecnológica y orientación al mercado sobre los resultados empresariales en empresas de alta tecnología: Un modelo conceptual. Pensam. gest. [online]. 2008, n.25, pp.113-138. ISSN 1657-6276.

Although in last decade the theoretical and empirical studies have intensified the analysis of the relation among market orientation, relational capital and technological innovation, as well as their relation with the enterprise results. The bibliographical evidence shows that those areas continue being opportunity for the development of empirical re- search and their application to emergent sectors such as the companies catalogued within a sector of high technology. This document presents a theoretical framework and a conceptual model for the development of empirical studies that consider the study of market orientation, relational capital and technological innovation and their relation with the enterprise performance.

Keywords : Orientación al mercado; innovación tecnológica; capital relacional; resultados empresariales; sector de alta tecnología.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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