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Pensamiento Psicológico

Print version ISSN 1657-8961


REYNA, Cecilia et al. Validating the Structure of the New Ecological Paradigm Scale among Argentine Citizens through Different Approaches. Pensam. psicol. [online]. 2018, vol.16, n.1, pp.107-118. ISSN 1657-8961.

Objective. This study assessed the psychometric properties of the New Ecological Paradigm - R scale, in a sample of adult people from Córdoba, Argentina. This scale assesses attitudes, beliefs, values, and worldviews regarding the environment. Previous studies have found differences in the dimensionality, while the consistency has shown to be acceptable. Method. The structure of the instrument was explored using an exploratory factor analysis and also an exploratory structural equation modeling. Results. Both techniques have shown that the bifactor model comprising 11 items yielded the best fit to the data compared to other models. Internal consistency was adequate. While gender differences were not observed, a high educational level was associated with a more ecological view, and age was inversely related to it. Conclusion. Even though good psychometric properties were observed, there is a need for further studies in order to obtain evidence of the predictive value of the scale in the Argentinian context.

Keywords : Psychometrics; ecological and environmental phenomena; reproducibility of results.

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