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Universitas Psychologica
Print version ISSN 1657-9267
PEREZ-LUCO, Ricardo; LAGOS, Leonardo and BAEZ, Carolina. Reincidencia y desistimiento en adolescentes infractores: análisis de trayectorias delictivas a partir de autorreporte de delitos, consumo de sustancias y juicio profesional. Univ. Psychol. [online]. 2012, vol.11, n.4, pp.1209-1225. ISSN 1657-9267.
We analyzed responses of 239 male adolescents convicted of various crimes and offenses, grouped into six trajectories defined psychological characteristics, risks and problem behavior. The self-reporting of crimes is obtained with the "EDA" scale, problematic abuse with the "DEP-ADO" grid, risks and resources with "IRNC" inventory and the "FERR" grid, from official crime the court records. The purpose was to characterize differentially criminal trajectories, retrospectively, analyzing the relationship between self-reported crime volume, substance abuse, accumulation of risk factors and resources and penalties. The results show different trends for trajectories with diverse potential recidivism and desistance, independent of the penalty executed. We discuss basing the need for differentiated intervention programs criminal trajectories.
Keywords : Adolescence; Risks; Criminal Trajectories; Recidivism; Desistance; Development Psychology; Juvenile Justice; Delinquency.