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Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud
Print version ISSN 1692-715XOn-line version ISSN 2027-7679
LORENA SUAZO, Martha; CRUZ, Kevin Alberto and PARADA, Henry. Exploring the child protection system in Honduras. Rev.latinoam.cienc.soc.niñez juv [online]. 2020, vol.18, n.2, pp.122-147. ISSN 1692-715X.
This study explores institutional practices that either facilitate or hinder the protection of the rights of children and adolescents in the child protection system in Honduras. The research focuses on the different stages that users go through when they request services. Using an institutional ethnography design, semistructured interviews were held with 14 workers from institutions that work with users in the system, as well as with three adolescents living in a protection home were conducted. The main results found that there are multiple mechanisms for reporting cases of child abuse, as well as close communication between the different mechanisms. However, there is a lack of resources in the system as well as prejudice against adolescents from the LGTBIQ community; also, practices are fed by a traditional conception of childhood. The system doesn’t just violate some of the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, but that its work is overwhelmed by the precarious conditions in the national context.
Keywords : Code of childhood and adolescence; Convention on the Rights of the Child; child protection system; childhood; Honduras; Institutional ethnography.