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Revista EIA
Print version ISSN 1794-1237On-line version ISSN 2463-0950
GUTIERREZ, Nelson; PASTRANA, Eduardo and CASTRO, Jennifer Katiusca. EVALUATION OF PREREQUISITES IN HACCP SYSTEM IN AGRO-FOOD INDUSTRY. Rev.EIA.Esc.Ing.Antioq [online]. 2011, n.15, pp.33-43. ISSN 1794-1237.
This paper presents an analysis of the hygiene management based on the compliance with the prerequisites of a HACCP system in 53 agri-food industries operating in the department of Huila in Colombia. The evaluation methodology corresponded to the verification of the compliance of checklists for two instruments: GHYCAL (Management of Hygiene and Quality) and S&Q (Safety and Quality on Food). The results allowed to find levels of hygiene management on a percentage scale and classify 34 companies in low level of compliance, including levels between 0 % and 75 %; 12 companies in basic compliance level, to obtain ratings from 75 % to 95 %, and 7 companies with higher compliance level, with evaluations higher than 95 %; additionally the similarities and differences between companies and between the sectors studied, using multivariate statistical analysis, were assessed.
Keywords : Checklists; food hygiene; HACCP.