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Revista Guillermo de Ockham

Print version ISSN 1794-192XOn-line version ISSN 2256-3202


CASTANO-AGUIRRE, Carlos Alberto et al. Territory and Territorialization: A Look at the Emotional Link to the Inhabited Place Through Social Cartography. Rev. Guillermo Ockham [online]. 2021, vol.19, n.2, pp.201-217.  Epub Sep 08, 2021. ISSN 1794-192X.

Territory, territorialization, and social cartography have become categories that can help to understand the emotional attachments between subjects and the spaces/places the inhabit. This article aims to answer the question: How can social cartography represent one’s emotional attachment to the territory? It further aims to make a bibliographical review based on the search of the concepts in open access databases. One of the main conclusions is that the territory is understood as a multidimensional category that links not only one’s ownership of, and identification with, a physical space, but also delves into the social, political and symbolic constructs established in everyday life. Social cartographies become different transformation strategies that enable communities or groups to build and abstract the meanings assigned to the territory and the emotional attachment shared in between to become empowered as a society to achieve collective development.

Keywords : attachment; emotions; inhabited place; social cartography; territory; territorialization.

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