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Revista Criminalidad

Print version ISSN 1794-3108


LIZARZABURU-BOLANOS, Edmundo Raúl; BURNEO, Kurt; FLOREZ-ALATA, Hugo Gustavo  and  NORIEGA, Luis. The entrepreneurial vision is a new contribution to the Becker’s crime theory in Perú. Rev. Crim. [online]. 2019, vol.61, n.1, pp.29-50. ISSN 1794-3108.

This paper aims to approach crime of economic motivation as a wrong business model. The objective is to consider crime as an activity with the same goals of an enterprise. Therefore, this is a matter of study of business management, too: profit maximization through the cost minimization connected to the completion and maintenance of its operations; competiveness and influence of an appropriate climate for increasing its operations, for producing incomes illegally and having crime as collateral. The methodology conducted a historical review based on the Theory of the Rational Crime (Becker, 1968) and other theories that explain the benefits and incentives that make criminal business sustainable. The result underscores the tolos introduction of the business administration sciences for understanding the criminal matter of economic motivation.

Keywords : Criminological schools; economic cost of crime; habitual offender.

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