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Revista Lasallista de Investigación
Print version ISSN 1794-4449
DAVID-RUALES, Carlos A; MACHADO-FRACALOSSI, Débora and VASQUEZ-TORRES, Walter. Early development in fish larvae, key for starting exogenous feeding. Rev. Lasallista Investig. [online]. 2018, vol.15, n.1, pp.180-194. ISSN 1794-4449.
A classification of fish larvae considers two types, altricial and precocial; associated with early development in relation to the amount of yolk available in the vitellinic sac. The main objective of the larval stage is to obtain nutrients for their ontogenesis; for their understanding morphological studies, associated with enzymatic responses, must be carried out. Given that the larviculture is the bottleneck of production systems in aquaculture is intended to address this revision in order to understand the relationships between the environment and the changes occurring in the transformation of larvae to juveniles, in order to ensure success in the most complex phase in the life of the fish.
Keywords : Ontogeny; Nutrients; Enzymes.