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Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe

On-line version ISSN 1794-8886


MARTIN, Juan Guillermo  and  MENDIZABAL, Tomás. Archaeological explorations in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Panama. memorias [online]. 2010, n.13, pp.173-201. ISSN 1794-8886.

Following the destruction of Panamá Viejo in 1671, the population was moved to what is now known as the Old Quarter or San Felipe, founded two years later in 1673. This new settlement is nowadays the historic center of Panamá City, declared a World Heritage Site in 1997 (Figure 1). One of the most emblematic buildings in the Old Quarter is the Metropolitan Cathedral, located on the main plaza of the old town. In 2010 a project for the evaluation and diagnostic of the temple's conservation state was undertaken, which included an archaeological exploration of the building with precise purposes, related to structural issues. This essay offers the results of these investigations, detailing the method used and generating a series of hypothesis and recommendations that will be of use to the future intervention and restoration project of the temple.

Keywords : Historical Archaeology; Panama; Heritage.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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