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Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe

On-line version ISSN 1794-8886


PALACIOS CORDOBA, Elba Mercedes. Feeling-thinking Peace in Colombia: Listening to the re-existing peaceful voices of Black Afro descendant women. memorias [online]. 2019, n.38, pp.131-161. ISSN 1794-8886.

The present article argues for the need to feel-think peace in Colombia. Based on a research project with afro-descendant women intended to make visible their experiences, knowledge, and peaceful voices, the article proposes an alternative approach to peace-building. Stemming from the historically constituted and systemic violence linked to sexual and gender divisions and to the psychological and cultural impacts of racism, to feel-think from the places we inhabit interrupts the structural and naturalized negation of the humanity of Black people. In a society that limits and racializes the life options of Afrodescendant black women, we propose to learn from their experiences and peaceful voices in order to rethink peaceful co-existence.

Keywords : Feeling-thinking; black women; Afrodescendant; Colombia; peace.

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